Monday, March 29, 2010

Crawfish Time

Sunday we went to KK and Uncle Mike's for a crawfish boil to celebrate Katie's birthday. The crawfish were great and it was so nice to spend time with the family. We had a blast!

Happy Birthday Blythe!

Saturday was Blythe"s (Riley's cousin) 20th birthday. Riley enjoyed the celebration! She also loved hearing Blythe sing to her.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Splish Splash!

Riley's umbillical cord finally fell off on Tuesday! After a month of sponge baths, her dad and I were finally able to give her a real bath. She loved it! She was totally relaxed in the warm water and she enjoyed looking at us through the bathroom mirror.
Also, Riley had her one month check up yesterday. She's doing great. She is up to 8 pounds 7 ounces! She is eating well and getting bigger everyday.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

One Month

This happy girl is one month old today!

Lunch with Daddy

Riley and I met Johnny for lunch yesterday. Riley slept right through it!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Shop til You Drop

On Friday, me , Riley and her Gram hit the malls! We went shopping all day and Riley was pooped by the end of the day. This was the first of many shopping trips to come because her mommy and her gram love to shop!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Girls Day!

Since Johnny has gone back to work, Saturday was spent just hanging around the house with the girls! We played with Riley and Skylar got creative with her Easy Bake oven. It was a great day!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Our Lucky Charm

Happy St. Patrick's Day! This little girl is ready to "Shamrock and Roll"!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Best Friends Forever!

Riley got a chance today to visit her Nanny, Uncle Toby, and her cousin Evie. She had a great time playing with everyone and Evie enjoyed hanging out with her new cousin. These girls are sure to be lifelong friends!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hot Tamale

Here's our little hot tamale all snug in her bed. She's good at napping!

Meet and Greet

Riley had quite a busy weekend. She got to spend some time with some very special people. On Saturday, she got to meet her great grandmother! Her and Granny had a great time. Next, she got to have dinner with her Grandnan and Poppie. On Sunday, she got to go to her first party for her Uncle Wayne's birthday. The whole weekend was great!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Just Hangin' Around

We are starting to get into a routine now! Riley is eating now about every 3 hours and sleeping really well. She doesn't cry much, only when we change her diaper... she really hates that. She is a good baby. Her daddy and I are so lucky!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Riley's Busy Monday

All dressed up for her first doctor's appointment.

Here she is waiting for the doctor with daddy.
That big girl has gained 7 ounces! She is back up to 7 pounds.
She was pooped out on the ride home!

Bath Time Fun

Here is our girl for her first bath!
