It's been a trying week. I can't help but feel a little selfish thinking about all the trivial things in my life. Complaining that I'm tired or the house is a mess or that the dishes are piled up in the sink.... All those things mean nothing as I think about my co-worker who was diagnosed with advanced brain cancer and given a short time to live. Who cares about the dishes? This awful news reminds me how fragile life is and that we must take time to appreciate whats around us. I'm sure that probably sounds cheesy and a little cliche, but it's the truth. When it comes down to it, all I really need is to be happy..... and I am! I am happy and thankful for my family-- especially my hubby and my girls, my friends, and all of the experiences I have been lucky enough to have in my 29 years (still a few more months until 30!). So for all those who are part of my life, thanks.
Hope these pics make you smile. Riley is definetly a happy girl! Here she is enjoying some play time outside. Enjoy the simple things.